
I Don't see it, Mamma

I Don't see it, Mamma

Op. -
RO 119
D 072
<1864, -
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Dédicace :

Genre : Chanson

Style : américain

Tonalité : mi m et mi M

Difficulté :

Extrait ou morceau intégral :
Joseph Smith, Pamela Hinchman - Extrait
(Achetez l'album sur




Commentaires, Informations sur l'Oeuvre :

[1] : Les voyages extraordinaires de L.M. Gottschalk ou Notes of a pianist , [2] : Biographie de F.Starr, [3] : Biographie Vernon Loggins, [4] : Life & Letters de L.M. Gottschalk, [5] : Livret de CD (principalement ceux de l'intégrale de P.Martin...)
Paroles de Henry C. Watson (1831-1869)

Once I was sitting in a ball-room--not a wall-flower, but alone-for I'd refused the proffered hands of all partners one by one.
Mama said
- Celestina, won't you dance my dear?"
- I won't! I do not see it, Ma, it's such a bore. Upon my word, I don't- - I do not see it, it is a bore, Ma-dance I will not!
Mama looked black and said,
-My child, you are really quite a fool to sit there pouting in a corner like a dunce upon a stool, while De Smythe, a splendid match, awaits your hand, come dance-
-I won't!... Indeed I won't!
Here's cousin Harry, look, Mama! Look, he's coming right to me! I guess I'll have to dance next dance, for I promised him, you see.
Mama said, full of spite,
-Take care, it'll bore you!
-No, it won't... This time is different, Ma, this time, I'll dance